Arena Safety Wall

28mm SOLID CORE PE Boards with tongue and groove connection- impact resistant.

The arena wall is constructed from the same material as the Capricorn (Australia) Pty Ltd stable walls.

The boards are manufactured in Europe and pre-cut to 1.3m with longer lengths (up to 3.9m) available by request.  The boards can be trimmed with a drop saw or similar and handled the same way as timber.

The PE is indestructible and maintenance free and does not support the growth of mould/fungus.  It is a popular choice for use as an Arena Wall as it will not swell with moisture and is an attractive long-term solution.

It is a safe and durable product that does not make a hollow noise if kicked.


Additional Information


Arena Safety Wall Colours

Arena Safety Wall Colours

Beige (Sand Beige)

Black (Ural Black)

Brown (Quartz Brown)

Dark Grey (Ash Grey)

Light Grey (Mineral Grey)

Green (Andez Green)

Arena Safety Wall - Mineral Grey

Arena Safety Wall - Mineral Grey

With a variety of colours, choice can be difficult.

This Indoor Arena was completed with boards in MINERAL GREY.

We love this finish as it helps to keep the space light and bright.

Arena Safety Wall - Black

Arena Safety Wall - Black

With a variety of colours, choice can be difficult.

This Indoor Arena was completed with boards in BLACK.

Smart and professional with great contrast against the steel of the structure.